Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So here we are...

and I am still a bit confused on where "here" is. Some days "here" is the end of my rope and others it is the most amazing place in the universe. The two most consistent elements of "here" is that (blessedly) I am always Jack's Mom and Jack has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). It all started innocently enough, quirky mom has quirky baby. Lots of nut not falling far from tree jokes, delight at my wee man's eccentricities, amazement as he uttered his first word (elephant) and concern as he began spinning in tight circles for no apparent reason.

As he grew different concerns emerged and were presented to the pediatrician. "He's perfectly normal, eating well and meeting all milestones on time. So he throws himself into walls occasionally and spins like a cheap top, he'll grow out of it." Uhhhhhh, ok.

The road to "here" has been long, frustrating and at times very, very scary and sad. I am not sure where we go from "here" but hopefully you'll come along for the ride and more hopefully our adventures -or mis-adventures as the case may be- will help someone else and their sensational kid find their place in this ordinary world.

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