Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Finally the first installment of....

The Adventures of Cub Scout Camp!!!!!!!

"What day is it?" "Is it today, Mamma?" "How many more days?"

Finally, after months of relatively patient waiting on Jack's part and slight trepidation on mine, it was FINALLY the big day! The lunches were packed in the required clearly identified gallon zip-lock bags, Jack's swim bag was properly packed and hanging on the doorknob, the new BSA hat and Camp Shirt were hanging on the bunk bed by the head of the still dreaming soon to be camper...

"Good mor..." That's as far as I got before he flew out of bed in a frenzy of joy and excitement. Christmas Day has never received the reception this overcast Monday in June did. His chores were complete and he was dressed within minutes despite the non-stop peppering of questions and predictions from the wee man.

The dogs had been out, the kitties, the Mamma and the Boy fed and the gear was gathered and loaded into Big Red. As we pulled out of the driveway I had expectations of a fun, exciting, exhausting week for both of us. I never bargained on the adventures and events that would pop up during the week that would demonstrate in no uncertain terms just how amazing a person my son is and prove even to my always doubting self that I am, after all, a damn good mother.

Buckle your seat belts, grab a snack and be glad that you will experience everything except the sweltering, suffocating, stifling heat of June in Florida. We had a blast and I hope you will too...

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