Friday, June 6, 2008

First Day and Last Day....

I thought it would be fun to put a picture of the beautiful boy from the first day of first grade and the last day of first grade together and see the physical changes but I see other changes as well. I see more confidence and fewer teeth, a Begerow chin with Williams cheeks, the cowlick stands taller and so does he, a very obvious sense of humor shines through now as well as the sweetness that was obvious before. He is still a skinny little man - obviously from Daddy's side lol.

His report card, in my opinion was good. He got E(xcellent)s in Art and Science, V(ery good)s in PE, Reading, Social Studies, S(atisfactory)s in Music and Math and an N(eeds Improvement) in writing. No surprises for me but oh lawsy you should have heard the discussion by the teacher and an aide referring to the fact that academically he is doing great and yet behaviorally not so much and how that doesn't fit with ADHD ....

DUH freaking DUH DUH DUH!!!!!!!!!!

Did you every want to scream so badly but were afraid to start for fear you'd never be able to stop again? Those people are already scared enough of me lol! Oh well they have to put up with us a few more years and then I can go off and terrorize the middle school LMAO!

I never thought of taking an end of year pic before, I will have to keep doing it!

1 comment:

Jo said...

Hey! Great idea to take an end of the year pic too! I hadn't thought of that one! I'm gonna steal that idea :)

Look how much he's growing! I so wish we lived closer so the boys could grow up together.

Maybe I'll move to FL and get a teaching job down there :)