Friday, June 6, 2008

Forget the three Rs, I have the three Ss...

Jack has been out of school for the summer for three and a half days. I am ready to lose it. I thought it would be nice to give him a few days to decompress and just live by his own clock....

I think it would be really nice if someone would smack me if I ever think something like that again.

Lesson number 437 of having a sensational kid: The key to living life without sprinkling your post toasties with Prozac each morning is Structure, Schedule and Sleep (for Mamma).

He has been a maniac, wonderfully behaved for the rest of the world and just a pita for me. I had to take him to a job today and he had his tote loaded with all kinds of things to do. Instead he went from office to office "entertaining" his "friends". O M G. Now, this is a volunteer gig I do every year and it was a Friday afternoon BUT he is old enough to know better.

The ladies in the office all said, "oh he's so cute don't worry about it".... WHY do people say that? I mean yes, of course he is cute but he is standing right there and I have just disciplined him and they undermine me and he works the banana giving, sticker sharing, chocolate sneaking crowd. Then comes to tell me loves me - riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I know they are saying it to put me at ease so I don't stress that he is annoying them.... he is annoying ME. He has lied to ME and he now thinks he can do whatever he wants there EXCEPT listen to and OBEY ME!

THEN on the way home he tries to spin it, "My brain made me not listen to you."

Do I look like I fell off the Mommy truck YESTERDAY?????

Structure, Schedule, Seagrams.... Oh wait, that's wishful thinking ... Monday we will put our plan into action as best we can:

7am - Get up - whether we want to or not, have something light to eat

7:30ish - Take a nice walk in the neighborhood (we will be watching our neighbor's almost 3 month old so that may vary)

8:30ish - Have a nice brekkie and Jack will read a book of his choosing

9:00ish - Jack will do brushing and compressions and maybe some jump time if he would like

9:30ish - Jack will do a couple of math sheets (in or out of body sock as he chooses)

Then he can do what he likes or whatever we have to do that day. Dinner will be followed by writing in his summer journal, a bath and bed.

Cross your fingers! He is all for it, hopefully it will work out!


Stacey said...

"Structure, Schedule, Seagrams"

hahaha... thus is life...

Jo said...

Good luck, Li. I know how difficult it can be... and once the schedule is disrupted a tad, the whole brain goes out the window :(

I know what you mean about people saying, "Oh it's ok, he's so cute" I get that too... and I hate it. AND I tell Blake that just because they said it was OK, does NOT mean it is OK. I am still the boss.

Yeah. Like that does any good.

Big Hugs, Sistah!!!

ps... I'm excited to see Stacey is vising your blog. She's a great person... I have a link to her blog on mine (housewife in flip flops). Her son has special needs also :) He's such a doll!!