Sunday, June 8, 2008

He was Jack in the Box early on...

I was supposed to be working but ended up diverted by cleaning out and organizing the hard drive today. I didn't realize that I had almost all the Jack pics on this computer... took a couple of hours and gave R and I a ton of giggles. It's funny how you remember some things and forget others, for some reason I thought his cowlick was always the thick thatch it is now but this picture proves me wrong. While looking at this pic it also struck me that at this point in time Jack was becoming mobile and used to try and cram himself into any small space he could; boxes, laundry baskets, his toy box (after dumping the toys out). He still wanted to be swaddled and if R didn't get it tight enough he would be very verbal in his discontent. This was also the point where he began spinning on his hands and knees several times a day. It was funny at first to watch him whirl until he fell over into a giggling, drooling heap. His poor knees would be so red though and some days it seemed more like a compulsion than just something he liked to do which made me feel uneasy even then. The few I mentioned it to told me it was nothing and not to worry about it.

The climbing also started around that time. I remember looking at that chubby wee guy and worrying that he would never walk because his legs wouldn't be able to hold him up! I should have been worrying about other things. His engineering abilities became very apparent with no warning. The evening this was taken he managed to construct a ladder in about 10 minutes and worked his way halfway up the wall unit onto a fairly high shelf. We began simply removing items from his "zone" that we thought he could move or use to build... idiots that we were we thought that would be enough. The child would push funiture or anything else he could find to his desired location and put it to use. This was done rapidly and with ninja-like stealth. Our house is tiny and at most you are only ever two steps away from anyone. We began carrying him to the bathroom or kitchen if we were alone with him to keep him from being on the ceiling fan when we came back!

I said from the first time I held that boy that he was going places.... we were always terrified of where the next place we would find him would be!

1 comment:

Jo said...

OH MY GOSH! Look at that little chubber wubbers! I had forgotten just HOW chunky he was!

Isn't it fun to look back at what they used to look like?

Love you