Monday, June 2, 2008

Jack brought home an award today....

Ok, brace yourself. It was a WRITING award. Jack, my Jack, the Jack who snaps pencils in half to avoid writing. That Jack, my beautiful, fabulous, amazingly hard working boy got a writing award. I don't care that the whole class got one. The whole class gets lots of things but he was so stinking proud:

He: "Mamma, I got something to show you and you will never believe it!"
Me: "What is it Wee?"
He: "You have to guess..."
Me: "is it a..."
He: "An award Mamma!!! A WRITING award, with my name on it!!!!!"

Which they spelled wrong - UGH

Whoohooooooooo!!!!!!!!! I would like to thank the academy and of course Bridget and Bobby (OT Goddess and her OT Resident) without whom none of this would have been possible.....ok, realistically it would have been possible. Many would have been maimed or injured in the process though and this has been relatively injury free!

Jack was having a super-freak drama-fest over a tiiiiiny pinprick on his foot tonight. You wouldn't believe it unless you saw it. He loses his blooming mind anytime blood is involved. I am serious too, if you wiped it with a tissue there would be nothing there! So to divert the impending lunatic asylum admission I suggested he read to me. And he actually did.

The child who this time last year would refuse to read a book with more than three words on a page read two chapters of Peter Pan to me tonight. He is already reading well into second grade levels. It is a thing of beauty to see him curl up with the book instead of holding it like a live snake. Tonight he even copied me and used voices for the characters! I (of course) was crying (a shock to all) but he didn't see me. When he was finished I said

Me: "Wow Jack! You did an awesome job reading that to me tonight!"
He: "I know Mamma, wasn't that too cool!!??!!"

He is too cool for school!

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